moalenpoce Admin replied

331 weeks ago

Battle For Skyark Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download

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646f9e108c When a mysterious race of creatures takes over a desolate Earth, humanity must take refuge in SkyArk, the city in the sky. After the rebellion against a corrupt leadership fails, the wealthy doom the rebels' children to live on the ruins of the old Earth. The rebel leader's son, Rags, must lead his fellow exiles against the monsters in order to have a chance to return to SkyArk, but he soon finds that he has a much greater purpose in saving humanity.
On a dangerous future Earth filled with monsters, an orphan tries to escape back to SkyArk, a man-made city in the sky, but he soon learns that he has a much greater purpose.
As a movie overall, I'd probably give it 5 out of 10. But I give it an extra point because what they did with what they had. It's clearly a low budget movie. Which actually had some good CGI effects/scenes. And they relied on some practical effects instead. As one that thinks Hollywood movies now a days are to much CGI and not enough story/acting. I found this a bit refreshing.<br/><br/>It reminded me a bit of the TV show "The 100" with some "Lord of the Flies" and a dash of monsters thrown in. When you watch it, you will probably feel like you heard this story before.<br/><br/>Now considering the Director and one of the writers, Simon Hung, has a Masters degree in Film making. I did wonder on why the writing was so cliché and predictable. Not sure if this was done on purpose or that I have seen way to many movies.<br/><br/>The writer, director and actors are all pretty much new to making a full length movie. (a few did a couple of TV episodes and shorts). I think they all did a respectful job. But the acting was stiff in parts and overdone in others. But I wasn't expecting Oscar moments from kids in their first movie. Especially when they had no adult actors to play off of.<br/><br/>Overall it's a pretty good attempt at making major movie. But the predictable writing, so-so acting and clearly low budget, hold the movie back. Could easily be a made for SyFy Channel movie. I look forward to seeing Simon's next attempt. <br/><br/>As a side note, I don't know where this was filmed. Buta kid (ok, alsoan adult), I would of loved to play in that scrap yard. Great location choice.
Look at the cover. The spacecraft is within the atmosphere. Consistent with movie, nice. Within minutes the line "get some rest" is used. A line usually reserved for after the first act. Maybe? I made it 16 solid minutes in and then fast forwarded to the end. I'm into cheese. Like "what do you call an apple that has fallen next to you?…. Fruit by the foot" .. Thats Cheese, not for everyone, I understand. Like many things. This movie is uncheese. Its rotten cheese. If you are the creator reading this please don't let the bad reviews get you down. Finishing a feature length film is a huge accomplishment. Congrats. And hey lionsgate… Your fired.-john

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last edited 253 weeks ago by moalenpoce
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